Latest News
Photos taken during conference now
available. (6, June, 2008). New!
The link to the online information of the conference proceedings
was added to the menu list. (18, May, 2008).
The program overview was updated. Now, it includes the name of
each session chair. (15, May, 2008).
The link to how to access the venue was added to the menu list
on the left hand side. (12, May, 2008).
The guidance for session chairs was uploaded. (8, May, 2008).
The guidance for presenters was uploaded. (6, May, 2008).
General Information
The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is a leading international
conference in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery. It
provides an international forum for researchers and industry
practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results
and practical development experiences from all KDD related areas
including data mining, data warehousing, machine learning,
databases, statistics, knowledge acquisition and automatic
scientific discovery, data visualization, causal induction and
knowledge-based systems.
The conference calls for research papers
reporting original investigation results and industrial track papers
reporting real data mining applications and system development
experience. The conference also solicits proposals for tutorials on
crucial technologies of knowledge discovery and data mining, and
calls for workshop proposals focusing on specific new challenges and
emergency issues of knowledge discovery and data mining.
Osaka, as the seat of the nation's oldest capital
and a hub of marine transportation, has been an economic and
cultural center of the nation since primitive times. Many historical
and cultural properties remain in this area. In addition,
outstanding traditional performing arts known as the "kamigata," or
Kyoto-Osaka culture, as well as many festivals of shrines, temples
and communities have also been passed on from generation to
generation. The urban area of Osaka currently holds the second
largest population in Japan, and plays an important role in both
modern culture and economy of Japan.

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan

Osaka Castle

Osaka Business Park

Shitennoji Temple


Nintoku Mausoleum