PAKDD2008 Paper Submission Policy
The paper must fit the scope of PAKDD*
The paper must conform to the required format
and page limitations*.
The paper must be original, and must not be
published or under consideration to be published elsewhere.
Plagiarism is unacceptable.
(1) |
The verbatim copy and/or reuse of
material (text, formula, graphics) from other published
papers (either by the author or by other authors)
without explicit citation, is considered to be
plagiarism. Quotations should be clearly identified and
include the appropriate citation. For example,
"According to Smith and Jones (2007) '......'", or
"'......' (Smith and Jones, 2007). |
(2) |
When a new submission is based on the
authors or on other author's previously published works,
the citation of the previous works should be clearly
given in the new paper. Furthermore, the novel
contribution of the current paper, which extends the
previous works, should be clearly indicated. |
This policy on plagiarism for PAKDD is mainly from
the policy on plagiarism directly quoted from the IEEE: "How
to Handle Plagiarism: New Guidelines"
* The scope of PAKDD and the required format and
page limitations are indicated in the Call For Papers of PAKDD.