PAKDD2008 No-Show Policy
PAKDD defines "no-show" as the author (or one of
the authors) not being present at their allocated
conference/workshop session for presentation of their paper.
PAKDD categorizes no-shows and takes the
identified actions as below:
Withdrawal, before proceedings are finalized.
If none of the authors register for the conference/workshop
before the required deadline, prior to the proceedings being
finalized, the paper will be deemed as being withdrawn from the
conference, and will not be included in the proceedings or the
conference program.
Good faith no-show, after final program is
When none of the authors can attend the conference for their
paper presentation, due to unforeseen circumstances, the authors
MUST inform the PC chairs immediately the situation arises. The
authors are required to arrange for a delegate to present the
paper at the conference/workshop, and the authors must identify
the surrogate presenter to the PC chairs prior to the
Bad faith no-show during conference.
If the authors fail to inform the conference organizer of their
change in circumstances and are not available for the
presentation of their paper, the conference will inform the
authors' organization. In addition, if the authors have a record
of bad faith no-show with previous PAKDD conferences, the
proceedings will not be made available to the authors, and
future submissions to PAKDD conferences by the authors will be
barred for up to three years.