Tentative program schedule for the PAKDD 2009 banquet
Date: Wednesday, April 29th
Time | Program | Remark |
18:30 - 18:45 | Thai classical music (Khim and Saw U) | |
19:00 - 19:30 | Traditional Thai Dance Shows:
Dinner starts |
19:30 - 19:50 | Announcement (I) | |
19:50 - 20:05 | Bamboo Dance (Lao Katob Mai) | |
20:05 - 20:20 | Ranad-ek Competition | |
20:20 - 20:45 | Announcement (II) | Annoucement for PAKDD 2010 |
20:45 - 21:15 |
Thai Martial Art Shows:
21:15 - 21:25 | Closing speech | |
21:25 - 22:00 | Thai classical music (Khim and Saw U) |
Thai musical Instruments

Saw-u (ซออู้) has its sound chamber made of coconut shell. This fiddle has its bow laid down on the body between the two strings, one of which giving high pitch and the other low pitch, and being tuned in 5th perfect. The Saw-u has a sound chamber covered with normal cow skin, with a sound hole on the opposite side of the skin surfacing; being usually played in accompaniment of a Saw duang.
Khim (ขิม) is a hammered dulcimer from Thailand and Cambodia. It is made of wood and trapezoidal in shape, with numerous brass strings. It is played with two flexible bamboo sticks and is used as both a solo and ensemble instrument.
Ranad-ek (ระนาดเอก) is a type of xylophone in high pitches which consists of 21-22 wooden bars strung together into a bridging set, being hooked on top of a long resonant box by both ends making an oblong curved shape that looks like a boat. The bars can be made either of bamboo or a kind of hard wood called 'Mai ching chan'. Ranad- ek is played as the leading instrument of an ensemble; and its playing method has been known of developing into very high degree of skill, The Ranad-ek is usually played in styles, ie, one style called 'Mai khaeng' (hard sticks); and other is 'Mai nuam' (soft sticks). All kinds of Ranad- ek are tuned to final pitch by the addition of a mixture of beeswax and lead shavings being attached at spots underneath each bar being so tuned.
Thai classical dances
Manora Dance (ระบำมโนรา) is performed in Southern Thailand but only at festivals, usually late at night. Manora Buchayan is the demonstration derived from the name of drama named " Phra Suton-Manora" in part of Manora sacrificed. There is no song text. The actors and actress will dance a long with the music rhythm. |
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Sukhothai Dance/ Rabum Sukhothai (ระบำสุโขทัย) is an ancient dancing created from the tone appeared in Thai Stone Inscription. The movements are of gracefulness and gentleness of sculptures from Sukhothai period. |
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Soeng or Serng (เซิ้ง) is a Northeastern Thai or "Isan" Folk Dance. |
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Thai Dance - 4 Regions (รำ 4 ภาค): These are four traditional Thai dances. They are similar to Lao and Cambodian (Khmer) dances. Goes by order, northern dance, southern dance, northeast dance and central dance. |
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Lao kratop mai (ลาวกระทบไม้) This dance can be considered as a traditional Thai game in which a group dancers are skipping between bamboo poles while dancing. |
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Thai martial arts

Wera Mahatep (two swords fighting) (รำหมู่ “วีระมหาเทพ”): The sword was the principle weapon during the turbulent history of Siam (the ancient name of Thailand), but the art of fencing was takena step furher in skill by warriors who fought with blades in both hands.
This style of fencing dates back 2,000 years according to experts, and began when men of the Mon race from the North took refuge in Siam and were organised into fighting units called Krom Darb-Song-Mu. or "Sword in both hands". These fierce warriors maintained their skills with constant training, following 10 basic positions which included standing on guard "dancing","checking","swaggering", and the actual clash of cold steel. The coup de grace or final blow usually led to the decapitation of the foe, as opposed to the body thrust or slash of Western fencing.
Besides it's deadliness in hand-to-hand combat, the art of fencing with two swords was regarded as a public display of skills and courage during feasts and festivals.

Muay Boran or Old Style Boxing (มวยไทยคาดเชือก) Old-style boxing or fighting with rope bound fists. This was the original form of Muay Thai which includes locks and throws and many techniques which are considered too dangerous for the modern sport of Muay Thai (Thai Boxing).
The recent release of the martial arts movie “Ong Bak – The Thai Warrior” has generated a huge upsurge in interest in the traditional martial arts of Thailand, particularly the empty-hand system of Muay Kaacheurk/Muay Boran. In one particular scene from the movie, there is a mammoth of a man whom nobody can beat. Up steps the Thai warrior and using traditional Muay Thai defeats him hands down.

Krabi Krabong/Thai weapons (กระบี่ - กระบอง) is a traditional Thai martial art still practised in Thailand. This tradition focuses on hand-held weapons as well as empty hand techniques. Specifically the "Krabi"(sword), "plong" (Quarterstaff), "Ngao" (staff with blade in the end), "Daab song meu" (A pair of swords held in each hand) and Mae Sun-Sawk(a pair of clubs). Although for most Thais Krabi-Krabong is a ritual to be display during festivals or at tourist venues, the art is still solemnly taught according to a 400-years-old tradition handed down from Ayutthaya's Wat PutthaiSwan. The King's elite bodyguards are trained in Krabi-Krabong; many Thai cultural observers perceive it as a "purer" tradition.
Like Muay Thai of 70 years ago, modern Krabi-Krabong matches are held within a marked circle, beginning with a "Wai Kruu" ceremony and accompanied throughout by a musical ensemble. Thai boxing techniques and judo-like throws are employed in conjunction with weapons techniques. Although sharpened weapons are used, the contestants refrain from striking their opponents - the winner is decided on the basis of stamina and the technical skill displayed. Although an injured fighter may surrender, injuries do not automatically stop a match.