Conference Proceedings will
be published by the Springer-Verlag (in the Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence series). All submissions should follow the Springer-Verlag
guidelines and be no more than 12 pages. (Formatting information for author
is available from the Springer-Verlag web site at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.)
Submission due date is November 19, 2000.
Please include a cover page
containing the title, authors (names, postal and email addresses), a 200-word
abstract and up to 5 keywords. Authors are invited to email their papers
(as PostScript or PDF attachments) to :
Or send FIVE
Dr. David Cheung (PAKDD-01)
E-Business Technology Institute
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Authors of selected papers will be invited to have their paper included
in a special issue of an international data mining journal.
We invite submission in the areas of KDD research and application. Areas
of interest include but are not limited to:
- Foundations and principle
of data mining
- Data mining and data warehousing
- Mining in multidimensional
- Data mining support for
data warehouse design
- Integration with data warehousing/OLAP
- Web based mining
- Data mining applications
in e-commerce
- Parallel and distributed
- Visual data mining and visualization
in data mining
- Resource discovery in the
- Data mining in heterogeneous
- Machine learning for data
- Knowledge representation
and acquisition in KDD
- Rule induction and decision
- Statistical methods in data
- Exploratory data analysis
- Clustering and classification
- New application challenges
and requirements
- Data mining applications
- Performance and benchmarks
of KDD systems
- Security and social impact
of data mining

Call for tutorial proposals
Tutorials from a key component of the conference. It is planned to hold
the tutorials on Monday, 16 April 2001. Proposals for tutorials addressing
issues in data mining, knowledge discovery and applications are invited
New applications such as temporal and spatial data mining, Asian language
text mining, collaborative, filtering, personalization, eCRM, and e-marketplace
data mining are of special interest. Proposals should be submitted by
31 October 2000 to the Tutorial Chair at jhuang@eti.hku.hk
or to :
Dr. Joshua Z.Huang
E-Business Technology Institute
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

for workshop proposals
Workshops provide an opportunity for focused exploration of current and
ongoing research in specific areas of KDD. It is planned to hold the workshops
on Monday, 16 April 2001.
Proposal for workshops addressing
issues in data mining, knowledge discovery and applications are invited.
Proposals should be submitted by 31 October, 2000 to the Workshop Chair
at mng@maths.hku.hk or to :
Dr. Michael K.Ng
Department of Mathematics
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
for system demonstrations
Proposals for system demonstrations are invited and should be submitted
by 15 January 2001 to the Chair at jiming@comp.hkbu.edu.hk
or to:
Dr. Jiming Liu
Computer Science Department
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong